Convenience store retailers face meaningful challenges in managing their often complex network of stores. From ever-changing product offerings and stock issues, to varying store types and pricing, building an impactful in-store experience with engaging messaging can be incredibly challenging for retailers.
The US Convenience Store Industry, an es- sential retail channel for all American con- sumers, offers great opportunities for OPEN. A few facts:
63 million consumers visit each day.
160,000 retail outlets in 48 states.
Annual revenues: $650 Billion
Annual profits: $11 Billion
Approximately 1000+ retail products per store.
Critical catagories: food service, beverages, age
restricted products.
Convenience store retailers frequently look to technology to help them reach their goals. Success is usually defined as:
Increased consumer traffic in-store.
Strong consumer preference/opinion of the brand.
Creation of aspirational and engaging “WOW”
in-store experiences.
Campaign planning, content distribution, and playback verification face meaningful technological impediments, including:
Different store formats.
Varied product offerings.
Disorganized or complex IT networks.
Difficulty managing remote devices.
Aging hardware.
Outdated software with limited capabilities.
Inadequate team skills.